Mohammadreza Koloushani

Ph.D. Student

Contact Information

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Mohammadreza Koloushani began his Ph.D. program in August 2018 at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. His current role is to work as a Ph.D. candidate under Dr. Eren Erman Ozguven's supervision. Koloushanis' current research interests revolve around roadway safety and statistical methods with the aim of identifying contributing factors to the occurrence of roadway accidents and developing innovative, data-driven insights into driver behavior, roadside risks posed by natural disasters, and the effectiveness of safety countermeasures. In the past, he obtained his master's degree from Tehran-Polytechnic University, Iran, before joining Dr. Ozguven's group. As part of his work during his M.Sc. degree, he developed an automated safety inspection method in order to improve the geometric characteristics of the roadway.