Sunny Narayanan

Research Professor
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Dr. Anand “Sunny” Narayanan is currently a Research Professor at Florida A&M University - Florida State University (FAMU-FSU). He holds a Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in Medical and Space Physiology, and B.S. degrees from West Virginia University in Mechanical Engineering and Biology, with an emphasis in nanotechnology. His research, academic, and professional background include an interdisciplinary approach to addressing research questions from the nano- to macro-scale, having been involved with NASA for the entirety of his career, which includes projects of systems engineering computational projects at the NASA Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation Facility (e.g. Space Launch System, Perseverance Rover, James Webb Space Telescope, Orion Crew Module, etc.), completing team-based design-build-fly projects through NASA’s Microgravity University program, conducting nanotechnology biomedical research, studying physiological adaptations (e.g. cardiovascular, immune, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neurovascular, etc.) of astronauts during their journey in space and in various medical (e.g. auto-immune conditions, lymphedema, osteoporosis, COVID-19, etc.) and lifestyle conditions (e.g. old age, exercise, dietary interventions). He is currently leading various studies investigating the physiological effects of deep space radiation, Lunar, and Martian gravity, relevant to our human space exploration goals as we return to the Moon and beyond through the Artemis program. He is also a co-lead for the FAMU-FSU Global Health Collaborative Program, with various projects addressing healthcare and environmental inequities in developing countries through sustainable, inter-disciplinary, and multi-cultural

approaches, applying our discoveries and knowledge obtained through our human space exploration efforts to improve life on Earth.